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Variations of the Position

 Move  %  Games = W + D + L  W : D : L 
 exf4   56%   69 = 40 + 15 + 14   58% : 22% : 20% 
 d5   23%   29 = 14 + 6 + 9   48% : 21% : 31% 
 Bc5   19%   23 = 4 + 5 + 14   17% : 22% : 61% 
 Nf6   2%   3 = 1 + 1 + 1   33% : 33% : 33% 
 Total      124 = 59 + 27 + 38   48% : 22% : 31% 
Associated Games
Search Games 124 games were found. |< < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 > >|
 Event  Players  Site/Date  Opening 
 Leipzig Kongress, Round 5   Franke, August Wilhelm 0-1 Flechsig, E...   Leipzig / 1877.07....   C33: King's Gambit Accepted 
 Nuernberg 1st, Round 10   Charousek, Rudolf Rezso 0-1 Schallopp,...   Nuernberg / 1896.0...   C33: King's Gambit Accepted 
 Wiener Schachkongress 1st, R...   Gelbfuhs, Oscar 0-1 Meitner, Philipp   Vienna / 1873   C33: King's Gambit Accepted 
 USA-01.Congress, Round 1.4   Raphael, Benjamin 0-1 Kennicott, Hiram   New York / 1857   C33: King's Gambit Accepted 
 Nuernberg 1st, Round 6   Charousek, Rudolf Rezso 0-1 Steinitz, ...   Nuernberg / 1896.0...   C33: King's Gambit Accepted 
 Imperial Jubilee tournament,...   Maroczy, Geza 0-1 Steinitz, William   Vienna / 1898   C33: King's Gambit Accepted 
 Maehrisch-Ostrau IT, Round 13   Spielmann, Rudolf 0-1 Bogoljubow, Efim   Maehrisch-Ostrau /...   C33: King's Gambit Accepted 
 International Chess Congress...   Blackburne, Joseph Henry 0-1 Steinitz,...   Hastings / 1895.08...   C33: King's Gambit Accepted 
 Imperial Jubilee tournament,...   Marco, Georg 0-1 Steinitz, William   Vienna / 1898   C33: King's Gambit Accepted 
 USA-01.Congress 3/4 place, R...   Raphael, Benjamin 0-1 Lichtenhein, The...   New York / 1857   C33: King's Gambit Accepted 
 Leipzig Kongress, Round 8   Franke, August Wilhelm 0-1 Paulsen, Lo...   Leipzig / 1877.07....   C33: King's Gambit Accepted 
 International Chess Congress...   Blackburne, Joseph Henry 0-1 Gunsberg,...   Hastings / 1895.08...   C33: King's Gambit Accepted 
 New York IT, Round 19   Tartakower, Saviely 0-1 Capablanca, Jo...   New York / 1924.04...   C33: King's Gambit Accepted 
 Wiener Schachkongress 1st, R...   Gelbfuhs, Oscar 0-1 Paulsen, Louis   Vienna / 1873   C33: King's Gambit Accepted 
 Paris IT, Round 15   Rosen, Leon 0-1 Schlechter, Carl   Paris / 1900.06.14   C33: King's Gambit Accepted 
 Imperial Jubilee tournament,...   Walbrodt, Carl August 0-1 Schlechter, ...   Vienna / 1898   C33: King's Gambit Accepted 
 London IT, Round 20.1   Mortimer, James 0-1 Bird, Henry Edward   London / 1883.06.07   C33: King's Gambit Accepted 
 FIDE-Wch k.o., Round 1.2   Becerra Rivero, Julio (2546) 0-1 Aleks...   Las Vegas / 1999.0...   C33: King's Gambit Accepted 
 St Petersburg preliminary, R...   Gunsberg, Isidor 0-1 Capablanca, Jose ...   St Petersburg / 19...   C33: King's Gambit Accepted 
 London IT, Round 13   Janowski, Dawid Markelowicz 0-1 Bird, ...   London / 1899.06.16   C33: King's Gambit Accepted 
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