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Variations of the Position

 Move  %  Games = W + D + L  W : D : L 
 Nf6   64%   34 = 13 + 15 + 6   38% : 44% : 18% 
 Bd6   30%   16 = 3 + 6 + 7   19% : 38% : 44% 
 Bg4   4%   2 = 1 + 1 + 0   50% : 50% : 0% 
 Nc6   2%   1 = 1 + 0 + 0   100% : 0% : 0% 
 Total      53 = 18 + 22 + 13   34% : 42% : 25% 
Associated Games
Search Games 53 games were found.
 Event  Players  Site/Date  Opening 
 Chigorin memorial, Round 14   Forgacs, Leo 0-1 Rubinstein, Akiba   St Petersburg / 19...   C01: French, Exchange Variation, Kings... 
 USA-01.Congress, Round 1.5   Stanley, Charles Henry 0-1 Lichtenhein...   New York / 1857   C01: French, Exchange Variation, Kings... 
 London IT, Round 10   Blackburne, Joseph Henry 0-1 Showalter...   London / 1899.06.12   C01: French, Exchange Variation, Kings... 
 Chigorin memorial+, Round 4   Duras, Oldrich 0-1 Nenarokov, Vladimir...   St Petersburg / 19...   C01: French, Exchange Variation, Kings... 
 London knockout, Round 1.1   Loewenthal, Johann Jacob 0-1 Williams,...   London / 1851.05.27   C01: French, Exchange Variation, Kings... 
 London IT, Round 23.1   Sellman, Alexander 0-1 Blackburne, Jos...   London / 1883.06.12   C01: French, Exchange Variation, Kings... 
 London knockout playoff-3pl,...   Staunton, Howard 0-1 Williams, Elijah   London / 1851   C01: French, Exchange Variation, Kings... 
 International Chess Congress...   Vergani, Beniamino 0-1 Schiffers, Eman...   Hastings / 1895.08...   C01: French, Exchange Variation, Kings... 
 Imperial Jubilee tournament,...   Baird, David Graham 0-1 Burn, Amos   Vienna / 1898   C01: French, Exchange Variation, Kings... 
 Wch Blitz 4th, Round 12   Rublevsky, Sergei (2702) 0-1 Vaganian,...   Almaty / 2008.11.08   C01: French, Exchange Variation, Kings... 
 Karlsbad IT 2nd, Round 12   Johner, Paul F 0-1 Rotlewi, Georg A   Karlsbad / 1911.09...   C01: French, Exchange Variation, Kings... 
 USA-01.Congress, Round 2.4   Raphael, Benjamin 0-1 Marache, Napoleon   New York / 1857   C01: French, Exchange Variation, Kings... 
 London IT, Round 7.1   Englisch, Berthold 0-1 Blackburne, Jos...   London / 1883.05.07   C01: French, Exchange Variation, Kings... 
 San Remo IT, Round 5   Tartakower, Saviely 1/2-1/2 Vidmar, Mi...   San Remo / 1930.01...   A40: Queen's Pawn Game (including Engl... 
 London IT - draws not counte...   Rosenthal, Samuel 1/2-1/2 Blackburne, ...   London / 1883.04.30   C01: French, Exchange Variation, Kings... 
 London IT - draws not counte...   Rosenthal, Samuel 1/2-1/2 Winawer, Szy...   London / 1883.05.30   C01: French, Exchange Variation, Kings... 
 London IT - draws not counte...   Sellman, Alexander 1/2-1/2 Winawer, Sz...   London / 1883.06.04   C01: French, Exchange Variation, Kings... 
 Wiener Schachkongress 1st, R...   Rosenthal, Samuel 1/2-1/2 Paulsen, Lou...   Vienna / 1873   C01: French, Exchange Variation, Kings... 
 Imperial Jubilee tournament,...   Maroczy, Geza 1/2-1/2 Lipke, Paul   Vienna / 1898   C01: French, Exchange Variation, Kings... 
 St Petersburg preliminary, R...   Alekhine, Alexander 1/2-1/2 Janowski, ...   St Petersburg / 19...   C01: French, Exchange Variation, Kings... 
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