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Variations of the Position

 Move  %  Games = W + D + L  W : D : L 
 Nc6   67%   4 = 0 + 0 + 4   0% : 0% : 100% 
 Nf6   17%   1 = 0 + 1 + 0   0% : 100% : 0% 
 e6   17%   1 = 0 + 0 + 1   0% : 0% : 100% 
 Total      6 = 0 + 1 + 5   0% : 17% : 83% 
Associated Games
Search Games 6 games were found.
 Event  Players  Site/Date  Opening 
 London IT, Round 19.2   Chigorin, Mikhail 1-0 Sellman, Alexand...   London / 1883.06.09   A02: Bird's Opening, 1. f4 (Dutch Atta... 
 Cambridge Springs IT, Round ...   Delmar, Eugene 1-0 Fox, Albert Whiting   Cambridge Springs ...   A03: Bird's Opening, 1...d5 
 Karlsbad IT 2nd, Round 19   Tartakower, Saviely 1-0 Alapin, Simon   Karlsbad / 1911.09...   A03: Bird's Opening, 1...d5 
 Karlsbad IT 2nd, Round 17   Tartakower, Saviely 1-0 Suechting, Hugo   Karlsbad / 1911.09...   A03: Bird's Opening, 1...d5 
 London IT - draws not counte...   Chigorin, Mikhail 1/2-1/2 Englisch, Be...   London / 1883.06.12   A03: Bird's Opening, 1...d5 
 London knockout playoff-3pl,...   Williams, Elijah 1-0 Staunton, Howard   London / 1851   A03: Bird's Opening, 1...d5 
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