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 Move  %  Games = W + D + L  W : D : L 
 d4   100%   8 = 3 + 2 + 3   38% : 25% : 38% 
Associated Games
Search Games 8 games were found. |< < 1 > >|
 Event  Players  Site/Date  Opening 
 London IT, Round 2   Chigorin, Mikhail 1-0 Tinsley, Samuel   London / 1899.05.31   B00: King's pawn Opening without 1... ... 
 USA-01.Congress, Round 2.3   Lichtenhein, Theodor 1-0 Perrin, Frede...   New York / 1857   B00: King's pawn Opening without 1... ... 
 Karlsbad IT 4th, Round 2   Matisons, Hermanis 1-0 Tartakower, Sav...   Karlsbad / 1929.08...   B00: King's pawn Opening without 1... ... 
 Moscow Tal Memorial Blitz, R...   Svidler, Peter (2738) 1/2-1/2 Kamsky, ...   Moscow / 2008.08.30   B00: King's pawn Opening without 1... ... 
 FIDE-Wch k.o., Round 1.2   Grischuk, Alexander (2606) 1/2-1/2 Lim...   New Delhi/Teheran ...   B00: King's pawn Opening without 1... ... 
 Leipzig Kongress, Round 3   Flechsig, Ernst 0-1 Paulsen, Louis   Leipzig / 1877.07....   B00: King's pawn Opening without 1... ... 
 London IT, Round 7   Showalter, Jackson Whipps 0-1 Tinsley,...   London / 1899.06.08   B00: King's pawn Opening without 1... ... 
 Leipzig Kongress, Round 7   Paulsen, Wilfried 0-1 Paulsen, Louis   Leipzig / 1877.07....   B00: King's pawn Opening without 1... ... 
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