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Variations of the Position

 Move  %  Games = W + D + L  W : D : L 
 Nc3   75%   6 = 0 + 5 + 1   0% : 83% : 17% 
 Bd3   13%   1 = 0 + 1 + 0   0% : 100% : 0% 
 Nf3   13%   1 = 0 + 0 + 1   0% : 0% : 100% 
 Total      8 = 0 + 6 + 2   0% : 75% : 25% 
Associated Games
Search Games 8 games were found.
 Event  Players  Site/Date  Opening 
 Karlsbad IT 2nd, Round 3   Chajes, Oscar 1/2-1/2 Salwe, Georg   Karlsbad / 1911.08...   A13: English Opening 
 London knockout, Round 4.2   Wyvill, Marmaduke 1/2-1/2 Anderssen, A...   London / 1851   A13: English Opening 
 World Championship 03rd, Rou...   Steinitz, William 1/2-1/2 Gunsberg, Is...   New York / 1891.01...   D00: Queen's Pawn Game (including Blac... 
 London IT, Round 6   Tinsley, Samuel 1/2-1/2 Mason, James   London / 1899.06.06   D00: Queen's Pawn Game (including Blac... 
 USA-01.Congress, Round 1.3   Raphael, Benjamin 1/2-1/2 Kennicott, H...   New York / 1857   D30: Queen's Gambit Declined: Orthodox... 
 London knockout, Round 2.3   Anderssen, Adolf 0-1 Szen, Josef   London / 1851   D30: Queen's Gambit Declined: Orthodox... 
 Wiener Schachkongress 1st, R...   Heral, Josef 1/2-1/2 Paulsen, Louis   Vienna / 1873   A13: English Opening 
 Imperial Jubilee tournament,...   Schiffers, Emanuel Stepanovich 0-1 Chi...   Vienna / 1898   D30: Queen's Gambit Declined: Orthodox... 
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