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Variations of the Position

 Move  %  Games = W + D + L  W : D : L 
 Nbd7   36%   25 = 8 + 7 + 10   32% : 28% : 40% 
 Nc6   33%   23 = 5 + 12 + 6   22% : 52% : 26% 
 c5   20%   14 = 3 + 8 + 3   21% : 57% : 21% 
 c6   9%   6 = 0 + 4 + 2   0% : 67% : 33% 
 Bf5   1%   1 = 0 + 0 + 1   0% : 0% : 100% 
 Total      69 = 16 + 31 + 22   23% : 45% : 32% 
Associated Games
Search Games 69 games were found. |< < 1 2 3 4 > >|
 Event  Players  Site/Date  Opening 
 FIDE-Wch k.o., Round 1.6   Dizdarevic, Emir (2527) 0-1 Psakhis, L...   New Delhi/Teheran ...   A05: Reti Opening, 2...Nf6 
 FIDE-Wch k.o., Round 2.2   Dizdar, Goran (2549) 0-1 Movsesian, Se...   Las Vegas / 1999.0...   A48: King's Indian, East Indian Defence 
 Moscow IT 2nd, Round 11   Pirc, Vasja 0-1 Riumin, Nikolay Nikola...   Moscow / 1935.03.01   A49: King's Indian, Fianchetto without... 
 Great International Tourname...   Donner, Jan Hein 0-1 Tal, Mihail   Bled / 1961.09.20   E60: King's Indian Defence 
 October Revolution 60, Round...   Smejkal, Jan (2575) 0-1 Vogt, Lothar (...   Leningrad / 1977.0...   E60: King's Indian Defence 
 Great International Tourname...   Germek, Milan 0-1 Geller, Efim P   Bled / 1961.09.30   E60: King's Indian Defence 
 Bad Kissingen IT, Round 10   Spielmann, Rudolf 0-1 Bogoljubow, Efim   Bad Kissingen / 19...   E60: King's Indian Defence 
 Moscow IT 2nd, Round 1   Goglidze, Victor Arsentievich 0-1 Floh...   Moscow / 1935.02.15   E60: King's Indian Defence 
 Capablanca Memorial Elite 43...   Nogueiras Santiago, Jesus (2559) 1/2-1...   Havana / 2008.05.14   A05: Reti Opening, 2...Nf6 
 Great International Tourname...   Portisch, Lajos 1/2-1/2 Najdorf, Miguel   Bled / 1961.09.28   A05: Reti Opening, 2...Nf6 
 POL-ch 65th, Round 10   Lubczynski, Rafal (2413) 1/2-1/2 Bobra...   Lublin / 2008.03.06   A05: Reti Opening, 2...Nf6 
 Dallas IT, Round 7   Najdorf, Miguel 1/2-1/2 Evans, Larry M...   Dallas / 1957.12.07   E60: King's Indian Defence 
 FIDE-Wch k.o., Round 1.4   Kacheishvili, Giorgi (2600) 1/2-1/2 Ko...   Tripoli / 2004.06....   E60: King's Indian Defence 
 Capablanca memorial 2nd, Rou...   Cobo Arteaga, Eldis 1/2-1/2 Tal, Mihail   Havana / 1963   E60: King's Indian Defence 
 Amber-rapid 17th, Round 10   Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar (2760) 1/2-1/2 ...   Nice / 2008.03.26   E60: King's Indian Defence 
 October Revolution 60, Round...   Romanishin, Oleg M (2595) 1-0 Balashov...   Leningrad / 1977.0...   A05: Reti Opening, 2...Nf6 
 Dallas IT, Round 13   Reshevsky, Samuel Herman 1-0 Evans, La...   Dallas / 1957.12.14   A05: Reti Opening, 2...Nf6 
 Alekhine memorial   Najdorf, Miguel 1-0 Ciocaltea, Victor   Moscow / 1956   A15: English, 1...Nf6 (Anglo-Indian de... 
 Staunton World Chess Tournam...   Kottnauer, Cenek 1-0 Najdorf, Miguel   Groningen / 1946   A15: English, 1...Nf6 (Anglo-Indian de... 
 FIDE-Wch k.o., Round 1.2   Lputian, Smbat G (2618) 1-0 Krasenkow,...   Moscow / 2001.11.28   A48: King's Indian, East Indian Defence 
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