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Variations of the Position

 Move  %  Games = W + D + L  W : D : L 
 Nc6   40%   21 = 3 + 9 + 9   14% : 43% : 43% 
 Nbd7   33%   17 = 6 + 7 + 4   35% : 41% : 24% 
 c5   15%   8 = 0 + 7 + 1   0% : 88% : 13% 
 c6   6%   3 = 0 + 2 + 1   0% : 67% : 33% 
 Bg4   4%   2 = 0 + 1 + 1   0% : 50% : 50% 
 a6   2%   1 = 1 + 0 + 0   100% : 0% : 0% 
 Total      52 = 10 + 26 + 16   19% : 50% : 31% 
Associated Games
Search Games 52 games were found. |< < 1 2 3 > >|
 Event  Players  Site/Date  Opening 
 Bugojno IT, Round 2   Portisch, Lajos (2630) 0-1 Timman, Jan...   Bugojno / 1978   A04: Reti Opening, 1. Nf3 
 Wch Blitz 4th, Round 9   Vaganian, Rafael A (2590) 0-1 Polgar, ...   Almaty / 2008.11.08   A49: King's Indian, Fianchetto without... 
 Capablanca memorial 2nd, Rou...   Jimenez Zerquera, Eleazar 0-1 Uhlmann,...   Havana / 1963   E60: King's Indian Defence 
 Montreal IT, Round 8   Portisch, Lajos (2640) 1/2-1/2 Timman,...   Montreal / 1979.04...   A04: Reti Opening, 1. Nf3 
 FIDE-Wch k.o., Round 4.1   Akopian, Vladimir (2660) 1/2-1/2 Shiro...   Groningen / 1997.1...   A05: Reti Opening, 2...Nf6 
 Alekhine memorial, Round 12   Smyslov, Vassily (2620) 1/2-1/2 Balash...   Moscow / 1971.12.09   A15: English, 1...Nf6 (Anglo-Indian de... 
 World Championship 21th, Rou...   Botvinnik, Mikhail 1/2-1/2 Smyslov, Va...   Moscow / 1957.03.09   A16: English Opening 
 FIDE-Wch k.o., Round 3.3   Tkachiev, Vladislav (2657) 1/2-1/2 Kas...   New Delhi/Teheran ...   E60: King's Indian Defence 
 Dallas IT, Round 14   Olafsson, Fridrik 1/2-1/2 Szabo, Laszlo   Dallas / 1957.12.14   E60: King's Indian Defence 
 Alekhine memorial   Stahlberg, Gideon 1/2-1/2 Taimanov, Ma...   Moscow / 1956   E60: King's Indian Defence 
 FIDE-Wch k.o., Round 3.2   Tkachiev, Vladislav (2657) 1/2-1/2 Kas...   New Delhi/Teheran ...   E60: King's Indian Defence 
 FIDE-Wch k.o., Round 2.1   Lputian, Smbat G (2634) 1/2-1/2 Mamedy...   Tripoli / 2004.06....   E61: King's Indian Defence, 3.Nc3 
 Alekhine memorial   Stahlberg, Gideon 1-0 Ciocaltea, Victor   Moscow / 1956   A05: Reti Opening, 2...Nf6 
 Nottingham IT, Round 5   Capablanca, Jose Raul 1-0 Tylor, Theod...   Nottingham / 1936....   A05: Reti Opening, 2...Nf6 
 October Revolution 50, Round...   Portisch, Lajos 1-0 Tal, Mihail   Moscow / 1967.06.10   A05: Reti Opening, 2...Nf6 
 Piatigorsky Cup 2nd, Round 3   Portisch, Lajos 1-0 Petrosian, Tigran V   Santa Monica / 1966   A10: English Opening: 1. c4 
 Capablanca memorial 2nd, Rou...   Barcza, Gedeon 1-0 De Greif, Boris   Havana / 1963   A16: English Opening 
 Baku FIDE GP, Round 9   Grischuk, Alexander (2716) 1-0 Inarkie...   Baku / 2008.04.30   E60: King's Indian Defence 
 New York IT, Round 8   Alekhine, Alexander 1-0 Reti, Richard   New York / 1924.03...   E60: King's Indian Defence 
 Dos Hermanas, Round 4   Karpov, Anatoly (2760) 1-0 Shirov, Ale...   Dos Hermanas / 199...   E60: King's Indian Defence 
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