Chess Wizard Online Database
Franke, August Wilhelm 1-0 Schallopp, Emil

Leipzig Kongress
Leipzig / 1877.07.19
Black: Schallopp, Emil

White: Franke, August Wilhelm

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C31: King's Gambit Declined, Falkbeer and Nimzowitsch (3....c6) Countergambits
 1. e4   e5
 2. f4   d5
 3. exd5 e4
 4. Bc4  Nf6
 5. d3   Bg4
 6. Ne2  exd3
 7. Qxd3 Bc5
 8. Be3  Qe7
 9. Bxc5 Qxc5
10. Nbc3 O-O
11. O-O-O Re8
12. h3   Re3
13. Qd4  Qxd4
14. Rxd4 Bxe2
15. Nxe2 Nbd7
16. g4   Nb6
17. Nc3  Rd8
18. g5   c5
19. Rd3  Rxd3
20. cxd3 Nfxd5
21. Nxd5 Nxd5
22. Bxd5 Rxd5
23. Re1  Kf8
24. Kc2  Rd4
25. Re4  Rxe4
26. dxe4 b5
27. a3   a5
28. Kc3  Ke7
29. a4   b4+
30. Kc4  Kd6
31. Kb5  h6
32. h4   h5
33. b3   g6
34. Kc4  Kc6
35. e5   
 (White wins)

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