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Chigorin, Mikhail 1-0 Marco, Georg

Imperial Jubilee tournament
Vienna / 1898
Black: Marco, Georg

White: Chigorin, Mikhail

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C31: King's Gambit Declined, Falkbeer and Nimzowitsch (3....c6) Countergambits
 1. e4   e5
 2. f4   d5
 3. exd5 e4
 4. Bb5+ c6
 5. dxc6 Nxc6
 6. d3   Nf6
 7. Qe2  Bg4
 8. Bxc6+ bxc6
 9. Nf3  Qa5+
10. Bd2  Qb6
11. Nc3  Qxb2
12. O-O  Bc5+
13. Kh1  O-O
14. dxe4 Rad8
15. e5   Rfe8
16. Na4  Qxc2
17. Nxc5 Qxc5
18. Be3  Qa3
19. Rae1 Nd5
20. Qf2  Rb8
21. Bc1  Qa4
22. Ng5  h6
23. Ne4  Rb4
24. Nd6  Reb8
25. h3   Bd7
26. f5   Rf8
27. Qg3  Kh8
28. e6   fxe6
29. fxe6 Rxf1+
30. Rxf1 Bxe6
31. Qg6  Nf4
32. Qg3  Rb1
33. Kh2  Rxc1
34. Rxc1 Ne2
35. Qe5  Nxc1
36. Ne8  
 (White wins)

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