Chess Wizard Online Database
Blackburne, Joseph Henry 0-1 Albin, Adolf

Nuernberg 1st
Nuernberg / 1896.08.04
Black: Albin, Adolf

White: Blackburne, Joseph Henry

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C31: King's Gambit Declined, Falkbeer and Nimzowitsch (3....c6) Countergambits
 1. e4   e5
 2. f4   d5
 3. Nf3  exf4
 4. exd5 Qxd5
 5. Nc3  Qh5
 6. d4   g5
 7. Qe2+ Kd8
 8. Qb5  f6
 9. Be2  c6
10. Qb3  g4
11. O-O  Bd6
12. Ne4  Bc7
13. d5   gxf3
14. Bxf3 Qf7
15. Rd1  Nd7
16. Kh1  Be5
17. c4   Ne7
18. dxc6 Nxc6
19. Nd6  Qe6
20. Nxb7+ Kc7
21. Bd5  Qe7
22. Bxc6 Kxc6
23. Na5+ Kc7
24. Qf3  Rb8
25. Qc6+ Kd8
26. Qd5  Ke8
27. Nc6  Qf7
28. Qa5  Rb6
29. Nb4  Qxc4
30. Nd3  Bb7
31. Nxf4 Rd6
32. Re1  Rd4
33. Nh5  Qc6
34. Nxf6+ Kf7
35. Ne4  Rxe4
36. Rf1+ Nf6
37. Rf2  Rg8
38. Bd2  Rxg2
39. Rxf6+ Kxf6
40. Rf1+ Ke6
 (Black wins)

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