Chess Wizard Online Database
Najdorf, Miguel 1/2-1/2 Tartakower, Saviely

Staunton World Chess Tournament
Groningen / 1946
Black: Tartakower, Saviely

White: Najdorf, Miguel

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A40: Queen's Pawn Game (including English Defence, Englund Gambit, Queen's Knight Defence, Polish Defence and Keres Defence)
 1. d4   e6
 2. c4   f5
 3. g3   Nf6
 4. Bg2  Bb4+
 5. Bd2  Be7
 6. Nc3  O-O
 7. Qb3  c5
 8. d5   e5
 9. e4   d6
10. exf5 Bxf5
11. Qxb7 Nbd7
12. Qa6  Bd3
13. Nge2 Qe8
14. b3   Qf7
15. O-O  Qh5
16. f3   g5
17. Rae1 e4
18. fxe4 Ng4
19. h3   Nde5
20. Qb7  Bf6
21. Rf5  Nh6
22. Rxf6 Rxf6
23. Qxa8+ Rf8
24. Qxa7 Nf3+
25. Kh1  Nxe1
26. Bxe1 Bxe2
27. Nxe2 Qxe2
28. Bc3  Nf7
29. Qe7  Qe3
30. Qf6  Ne5
31. Qe6+ Nf7
32. Qf6  Ne5
33. Qe6+ Nf7
34. Qf6  

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