Chess Wizard Online Database
Sasikiran, Krishnan (2694) 0-1 Vaganian, Rafael A (2590)

Wch Blitz 4th
Almaty / 2008.11.08
Black: Vaganian, Rafael A (2590)

White: Sasikiran, Krishnan (2694)

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A40: Queen's Pawn Game (including English Defence, Englund Gambit, Queen's Knight Defence, Polish Defence and Keres Defence)
 1. d4   e6
 2. c4   f5
 3. g3   Nf6
 4. Bg2  d5
 5. Nd2  Bd6
 6. Nh3  c6
 7. O-O  O-O
 8. Qc2  Qe7
 9. Nf3  Ne4
10. Bf4  Bxf4
11. Nxf4 g5
12. Nd3  Nd7
13. Rab1 a5
14. Nfe5 Nxe5
15. Nxe5 Nd6
16. e3   Nf7
17. Nd3  b6
18. Rfc1 Ba6
19. b3   Rac8
20. Qd2  Kg7
21. f3   Qf6
22. Nf2  Rfd8
23. c5   bxc5
24. Rxc5 a4
25. Rbc1 axb3
26. axb3 Bb5
27. Bf1  Rb8
28. Bxb5 Rxb5
29. Qa5  f4
30. Ng4  Qf5
31. exf4 gxf4
32. Kg2  fxg3
33. hxg3 h5
34. Nf2  Rf8
 (Black wins)

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