London IT - draws not counted
London / 1883.06.13
Black: Sellman, Alexander
White: Mason, James
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A40: Queen's Pawn Game (including English Defence, Englund Gambit, Queen's Knight Defence, Polish Defence and Keres Defence)
1. d4 e6
2. Bf4 d5
3. Nf3 Bd6
4. Bg3 Nf6
5. e3 O-O
6. Bd3 b6
7. Qe2 Bb7
8. Bh4 Nbd7
9. Nbd2 Rc8
10. c3 Qe8
11. O-O a5
12. Bxf6 Nxf6
13. Ne5 Bxe5
14. dxe5 Ne4
15. f4 Nxd2
16. Qxd2 f5
(Draw) |