World Championship 16th
Netherlands / 1935.11.28
Black: Alekhine, Alexander
White: Euwe, Max
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A40: Queen's Pawn Game (including English Defence, Englund Gambit, Queen's Knight Defence, Polish Defence and Keres Defence)
1. d4 e6
2. c4 f5
3. g3 Bb4+
4. Bd2 Be7
5. Bg2 Nf6
6. Nc3 O-O
7. Nf3 Ne4
8. O-O Bf6
9. Nxe4 fxe4
10. Ne1 Bxd4
11. Bxe4 Bxb2
12. Bxh7+ Kxh7
13. Qc2+ Kg8
14. Qxb2 Nc6
15. Nf3 d6
16. c5 dxc5
17. Bc3 Qe7
18. Rad1 b6
19. Qc2 Bb7
20. Qg6 Qf7
21. Qg5 Rad8
22. h4 Rxd1
23. Rxd1 Nd4
24. Bxd4 cxd4
25. Rxd4 Bxf3
26. Rf4 Qh5
27. Rxf8+ Kxf8
28. Qf4+ Qf7
29. Qxf3 Qxf3
30. exf3 e5
31. Kf1 b5
32. Ke2 c5
33. Ke3
(Draw) |