Chess Wizard Online Database
Nikolic, Predrag (2630) 1/2-1/2 Tal, Mihail (2630)

World Cup
Brussels / 1988
Black: Tal, Mihail (2630)

White: Nikolic, Predrag (2630)

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A40: Queen's Pawn Game (including English Defence, Englund Gambit, Queen's Knight Defence, Polish Defence and Keres Defence)
 1. d4   g6
 2. Nf3  Bg7
 3. g3   Nf6
 4. c4   O-O
 5. Bg2  d5
 6. cxd5 Nxd5
 7. O-O  Nb6
 8. Nc3  Nc6
 9. e3   e5
10. d5   Ne7
11. e4   Bg4
12. Bg5  h6
13. Bxe7 Qxe7
14. Qb3  c6
15. h3   Bxf3
16. Bxf3 Rfd8
17. Rfd1 cxd5
18. Nxd5 Nxd5
19. Rxd5 

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